
Hello everyone. Welcome to my site about business operations. My name is Teresa Frank. On this site, I will talk about all the different approaches used in the business world to keep operations running smoothly. When I entered the business world, I was unsure about what to expect. I developed a working knowledge of different forms of business operations during my time in that environment. Today, I would love to share that information with you all to help everyone prepare themselves for the business world. Please feel free to visit my site daily to learn more about how businesses operate. Thanks

3 Types Of Information To Have Ready Before Calling Support When Your Desktop Keeps Crashing

25 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If your desktop computer keeps crashing every time you try to use it, you may decide it is time to call a desktop support business. Before you make the call, however, gather the following three pieces of information so the support technician can have a clearer picture of the problem. Information About Your Computer The first type of information you should have is everything you know about your computer. Write down the memory capacity and hard drive specifications you can find. Read More …

4 Tips When Renting A Storage Unit

24 June 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Sometimes, there just isn't enough space for all your items, especially if you are in the process of moving or live in a small house or apartment. Storage units are affordable ways to keep your items without having to pack your home. Check out these four tips when you rent a storage unit. Determine if You Need Temperature Control With some items (and depending on your region's weather), you may not care if your storage unit is temperature controlled or not because the items won't get damaged when exposed to heat or cold. Read More …

3 Tips For Managing A Rental Property That Has A Well

24 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

If your rental property has a well, you could be wondering if it will cause any additional challenges for your rental business. It's true that you do have a few more things to think about when renting out a rental property that has a water well, but following these tips can help make managing your rental a little easier. 1. Consider Installing a Water Filtration System As you might already know, with a home that has a water well, you sometimes have to worry about things like cloudiness or hard water that you might not have to worry about with a home with municipal water. Read More …

3 Services That An Employment Staffing Service Can Provide

24 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

Finding and keeping employees is something that is essential to the success of all businesses. An excellent way to help with this aspect of business is to hire employment staffing services. This article will discuss 3 services that an employment staffing service can provide for you.  Short Term Employees One incredible service that an employment staffing service can provide for you is help with finding short term employees. When an employee is on sick leave, maternity leave, vacation, etc. Read More …

Background Check Myths Refuted

24 June 2017
 Categories: Business, Blog

There can be many instances where you may need to have a detailed understanding about the background of a person. To help individuals review the background of potential employees or tenants, there are services that can be retained. However, misconceptions concerning background checks can lead to individuals avoiding using these services. Myth: Background Checks Only Focus On Criminal History It is a common assumption that background checks are only concerned with criminal convictions. Read More …